Primary Address:
11633 Highway 92 West
Post Office Box 2451
Chase City, Virginia 23924-2451

Phone: 434-372-6200
Email: [email protected]

Additional Office Addresses:

EMPORIA DISTRICT OFFICE: 1413 Pleasant Shade Dr. P.O. Box 427 Emporia, VA 23847

GRETNA DISTRICT OFFICE: 606 Vaden Dr. P.O. Box 617 Gretna, VA 24557


Board of Directors


David Jones

Chairman - Chase City District


Franklin Myers

Vice Chairman - Emporia District


Donald Moore

Secretary/Treasurer - Gretna District


David Hall

Director - Gretna District


Brandon Hudson

Director - Chase City District


Fletcher Jones

Director - Chase City District


Peggy Lee

Director - Emporia District


Michael McDowell

Gretna District


Angela Wilson

Emporia District

Last Name First Name Job Title Phone Email
view Logan, Jr. Casey President and Chief Executive Officer 434-372-6200 [email protected]
view Glass Carolyn EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 434-372-6183 [email protected]
view Guy, II James VP, ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL COUNSEL 4343726115 [email protected]
view Jones Carol Ann VP, FINANCE & ACCOUNTING [email protected]
view Lipscomb David VP, MEMBER & ENG SVCS [email protected]
view Long Dwayne VP, INFO TECHNOLOGY [email protected]
view Seamans B.J. VP, ENGINEERING & Operations 434-372-6172 [email protected]
view Lankford Robert DIRECTOR, OPERATIONS [email protected]
view Woods Brian DIRECTOR, ENGINEERING [email protected]
view Walker Karen CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER [email protected]

Co-Op Stats

Incorporated: March 1, 1938
Regular Board Meeting: Third Wednesday
Total Meters: 34952
Total Miles of Line: 4511
Meters Per Mile of Line: 7.75
EMP: 101
Counties Served: Brunswick, Charlotte, Greensville, Halifax, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Pittsylvania, Southampton, Sussex
Meters Per County:
Brunswick: 3704
Charlotte: 1138
Greensville: 3062
Halifax: 6017
Lunenburg: 401
Mecklenburg: 10202
Other: 139
Pittsylvania: 6547
Southampton: 376
Sussex: 152